toy guide by age from newborn to toddler

Toy Guide By Age From Newborn to Toddler

If you’re a parent, grandparent, or caretaker, searching for toys, just going through the innumerable categories can be exhausting. Sensory toys, musical toys, gross motor toys, fidget toys, cognitive toys, pool toys, musical toys, stuffed toys, bath toys, and more. This is why you have to have a good mix while selecting toys at the appropriate age, so your child is exposed to all. Our recommendation list below gives you suggestions on the best toy guide by age from newborn to toddler. We’ve tried to include a little bit of everything for you.

toys for infant 0 12 months

Comprehensive Toy Guide By Age

Table of Contents

Best Toys for 0 – 3 months

For the first few months, the baby is still adjusting to the outside world. They are slowly beginning to see more but they still can’t see all colors that is why high contrast toys are best and you need the safest baby toys for them. Another key point to remember is that the toy have to be soft, and lightweight. Small parts are a choking hazard. You can always keep plenty of teethers for a baby like Jackie the Giraffe so this way, the baby is not tempted to chew on all toys.

1. Play gym

This fun daytime activity area for a baby with a mat and a set of overhead toy is the perfect space for the baby to lay flat, and roll over for tummy time. It’s one of the most essential items in all baby registries.

2. Toy Mobiles

Whether it’s the car seat or the crib, mobiles distract and entertain babies for a few minutes. Some attract with sounds, some do it with Montessori style patterns. Some even claim to hold a baby’s attention for over 20 minutes. Here are our fav picks

3. Rattles

Rattles are the quintessential baby gift. Vintage rattles were simple, today rattles come with all types of add-ons and extra functions, thanks to technology. Lights, music, textures, and more. Once your little one learns how to grab, rattles will be their favorite toy. And before that, you, the adult can rattle away.

4. Musical plush toys

When diaper changing gets stressful, a musical plush toy can distract a baby while you quickly finish the task. These toy are so good, that even adults love them.

Best Toys for Infants 3-6 months

For the next few months, the baby will be doing a lot of tummy time and then finally be sitting upright. Guide tummy-time toy will be the most important at this age and so will grasping toys. Baby will also learn to roll over at this stage so we’ve gotta make it exciting and enjoyable for the little one to achieve this important milestone. Babies will also start eating their first solids at this age and high chair toys are an option you might want to consider.

toys for infant 0 12 months

1. Puppet toys

Your baby will start laughing and smiling soon. Faces make babies giggle and hold their attention. That’s why puppets are ideal for this age. The movement coupled with the sounds you will make are great to keep your child engaged and they’ll help the baby reveal that cute smile more often.

2. Tactile Books

It’s never too early to start reading to your child. Books open a whole new world sparking imagination, and stimulating communication. Memory, vocabulary, listening – the benefits are immense. So why not start young? Baby’s books are specially designed for tactile benefits so it’s not just about reading but also about feeling and playing.

3. Tummy time toys

Vital for physical development is tummy time between 3 to 6 months. Children strengthen their muscles and learn to move during this time. Bonding while doing time is key and toys make this crucial interaction time even more fun.

Best Toys for Babies 6-12 months

This is the age when the active movement will begin – sitting, bouncing, crawling, pulling up, gliding and standing. Common characteristics guide of play at this age include pushing and pulling toy, putting small trinkets inside and outside boxes, and then teething on almost anything they find.

toy guide by age from newborn to toddler

1. Activity tables, cubes, exersaucers, and sand tables

Keep your child busy with an activity center that has various little play sections for the baby. Closing and opening doors, moving little objects around, or tapping buttons. These are also perfect for when your baby just starts to pull themselves up to stand. There are different types from wooden cubes to exersaucers that let your child sit inside the activity center and move around with them.

2. Musical instrument toys

Now that they can sit upright easily, playing musical instruments comes easy to them. Drums and keyboards are popular choices because of their ease of use. Music is a mood uplifter for baby and family so getting a musical toy is an obvious choice. Musical instruments teach babies cause and effect which they enjoy observing at this age.

3. Sit up toys

Now that the baby sits up throughout the day, activities for them, while they are sitting, will keep them busy. They love using their little hands to manipulate objects using simple movement.

Best Toys for Toddlers 12-18 months

At one year old, you officially have a toddler. Toddlers love to move and some are ready for their first steps too. This is the age for toy that encourage movements of all types. Many children also speak their first words at this age so choose toys that encourage communication and conversation.

1. Pull and push toys

Gross motor skills are developing at this age. Many children will start walking, some will continue to crawl. Pull-along toy have been a popular choice for this age because they boost confidence and allow toddlers to practice muscle coordination.

2. Riding toys

Once your child has gained confidence sitting up it’s time to try riding! Whether it’s riding outdoors to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature or rocking inside for a joyride, age 1 is when toddlers will love riding toy of all types. This category of toy will help with confidence, balance, and posture.

3. Busy toys

Stimulating your child’s brain with cognitive activities is key. It’s also important to give them practice using their fingers to ensure plenty of opportunities for hand-eye coordination. Toddlers want to explore their world and using toys that keep their little fingers busy is something a caregiver can provide by making the correct toy choice.

Check it out: Potty Train Your Toddler

Best Toys for Toddlers 18 -24 months

Your toddler will walk and begin to run on their own during this period. They will also use their fast-developing muscles to throw balls and climb up furniture. Children this age love finding things too. Speaking skills will improve and several words will be added to their vocabulary list. Remember that while they may speak only a few, they sure do understand many. Enjoy these special moments with your toddler with interesting toy that make playtime enriching cognitively, socially, and physically. Pop-it fidget toys are the easiest option but besides fidget toy, we recommend the listed toy below for more stimulating play.

1. Puzzles and Flashcards

Stimulate your toddler’s vocabulary and cognitive abilities with brain puzzles and memory flash cards. They’ll be preschool ready in no time if you choose to invest in these simple toys. This is the ideal age to get them going because their brains are like sponges ready to absorb any new concepts and ideas you teach them. And what better way to learn?

2. Digital talking books

Your toddler cannot read yet but they enjoy turning pages and looking at pictures. Pressing buttons to listen to sounds is also fun for this age group. This is what makes digital talking books an ideal choice. Build your child’s vocabulary by choosing one or more of these books.

3. Bath toys

Bath play is fun on its own but adding toy to it can make it even more exciting. We’ve all had rubber ducks while growing up. The simple toy brought us so much joy just by floating in the water in our bathtubs. Today, children have so many advanced bath toy that the simple rubber duck doesn’t seem as exciting anymore.

Wrap Up

We hope you decided to buy one of the best toys for your little one by this detailed toy guide by age from newborn to toddler. Do you remember your favorite toy from childhood? Is there a toy your child really loved that you think we should include in this list? Please share your comments below.

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Toy Guide By Age From Newborn to Toddler

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