signs your baby is teething

Baby Teething Signs – How To Take Care

Are you facing trouble feeding your baby? Or she has really become fussy and cranky all of a sudden? Check out the baby teething signs.

Teething is quite a hard period for the baby as well as for you as a parent. It is common for babies to look irritable, behave indifferently, and have difficulty sleeping when they are teething.

baby teething signs

While most babies begin teething somewhere between 4 to 6 months, it is not uncommon to go up to 2 years of age for some children. The front lower incisors usually appear first, followed by upper incisors and then the rest of the teeth. Not all teeth emerge at once; it is a step-by-step process.

Baby Teething Signs and Symptoms

Table of Contents

Tooth starts to erupt from gums when it cannot be even seen by naked eyes. So besides showing crankiness and irritability, there are other signs as well that confirm the teething development.

Excessive Drooling

It’s time to get some extra bibs! Teething increases salivation and hence babies tend to drool a lot.

Raised Temperature

Pediatricians explain that while a child is teething, she would likely chew whatever comes in her way. That raises the risk of infection and eventually, it leads to raised body temperature (approximately 100⁰ F or higher).


Infection is also associate with messed up bowel movements and therefore causes diarrhea as a symptom of teething.

Eccentric Behavior

Children are fussy at times, which is normal. But during teething, they are super irritable and disturbed because of the discomfort. They will show bad temper, crankiness, and irritability which suggest that they might be in the teething phase.

Sore and Swollen Gums

Teeth erupt from the gums and during this time, the gums become red, swollen, and tender. It can be checked by using your finger on the baby’s gums. It will also elicit aches in them.


Babies less than 1 year of age normally chew things and objects that they see. But during teeth eruption, they are apt to bite and chew unusual things more. That’s because the painful gums soothe when they bite a hard object.

Declined Appetite

Feeding children is quite hard itself, let alone when they are teething. Their hunger reduces to almost zero and they take ages to finish even half of the meal.

Also Check out: Social Development in babies

Teething Remedies

Although teething is a natural and progressive procedure, still you may take a few remedies to ease your baby’s discomfort.

1. Frozen Washcloth

Cold compresses decrease inflammation and help ease the pain. Take a clean and neat washcloth, wet it, and freeze. Give that to the baby to chew. It will soothe her pain and inflamed her area.

2. Chilled Food

In the case of a toddler or an older baby who has started taking solids, you can offer chilled or cold foodstuff. Children love ice creams, ice popsicles, frozen yogurt, or fruit, so it’s the best time to treat them.

3. Teether

A lot of teething toys and rings are available in the marketplace for this reason only. A teether is designed to soothe and ease babies’ sore gums and their urge to chew unusual things.

baby teether

4. OTC Medication

An over-the-counter drug may also be beneficial sometimes to reduce temperature and soreness. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the most commonly used OTC medicines for infants and toddlers as they are considered safe. However, consultation with your child’s pediatrician before giving any medicine is always recommended.

5. Homeopathic Remedies

Many parents follow homeopathic treatment instead of allopathic as they believe it has fewer side effects. Homeopathic teething tablets and gels have been use for ages. Having said that, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not recommend the use of these pills as no proper trials and studies have been conducted on them.

6. Calm and Cozy Bedtime

A teething baby is more likely to be cranky and fussy, especially during bedtime. They have a hard time falling asleep because of the pain and discomfort. Try to give them a warm, cozy, and relaxed environment to sleep in. Give cuddles, lighten them up, and use white noise if necessary to comfort them in this hard phase.

7. Use your Fingers

Sore gums can be soothed simply by rubbing against them. Make sure your finger is sanitized and clean before you place it in their mouth. Gently rub the gums area and apply mild pressure. It will improve the baby’s pain not completely but to some extent.

What to Avoid

Teething Necklaces

Make sure the teether you buy is safe and secure for the baby. Some teething necklaces and bracelets increase the risk of choking, strangulation, and oral injuries. So choose wisely.

Local Anesthetic Gels

Local numbing medications such as lidocaine or benzocaine can be lethal for babies and young children hence, they must be avoid without a prescription.

Herbal Remedies

The drug authorities do not recommend any herbal remedies for teething problems of infants. There is not enough evidence to show the beneficial effects of herbal medications and therefore, the risk of long-term side effects persists.

When to see a physician?

Teething can be treated and handled at home, but in some cases pediatric consultation is necessary:

  • The baby becomes dehydrated because of diarrhea
  • It has restricted the baby’s eating and drinking
  • The fever is not going down
  • Redness and edema in the gums
  • Excessive weight loss
  • There is an infection

The Final Takeaway

Teething is a natural milestone for both the baby and the parents. Proper handling of good hygiene maintenance is crucial to avoid infection, inflammation, and pain. However, regular dental checkups are always recommended. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association suggests scheduling a baby’s initial dental checkup somewhere around 10 to 12 months of age. Besides this, regular dental care should be follow to keep away bacteria and debris building.

We hope this list of baby teething signs helped you know the cranky mood of your baby and you did the right efforts to soothe her up.

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Baby Teething Signs – How To Take Care

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